School concert
School concert with the Music of the Plants inspired by Hans Christian Andersen

Concert: Come and sing with flowers!
Concert with plant music in collaboration with Tante Andante. Bring your own plant and you’ll be surprised! Illustrated with Hand Christian Andersen stories

Family concert with Plants
Did you know that your plants could sing and communicate, and that you can sing along?
Come and experience when Zigola Pioppo and Tante Andante let the plants sing, and listen to Hans Christian Andersen who always knew about the hidden music.

Concert with the Plants - Workshop Result
Informal Concert with Plants, presenting the outcome of the afternoon workshop

Play with Plants Workshop
Workshop Music of the Plants. Learn how to make music with plants, using the MOTP-technology. For musicians, healers, teachers and all other people interested.

Earth Telephone
Sound-Art Installation to inspire people to make a heart connection with nature, with the Earth! On June 1, 2022 I will give a presentation to school children in Paris. On June 5 they will join in a walk for the Earth and in the creation of the installation. The sound-art installation 'Earth Telephone' will allow passers-by to communicate with the Earth by listening to nature's music on June 5, 2022 at Jardin Catherine-Labouré, Paris.
The installation is inspired by the wheelbarrow walk (www.wheelbarrow-walk.com). On April 22, 2022 Henry Mentink started a pilgrimage on foot from the Netherlands to the UNESCO in Paris with a wheelbarrow filled with earth brought by people from all over the world. Henry intents to ask the UNESCO to put planet Earth on the World Heritage List in order to give back the Earth to the Earth and all inhabitants. On June 5, 2022 Henry will pass the park in Paris where we intend to create the Earth Telephone. With the Earth Telephone we have the following intentions:
Explanation of the Sound-art installation
Make people aware of their desire to connect to nature by inviting them to reach out to talk to the Earth
Make people experience that a communication from the heart with the Earth can be done anywhere, anytime.
Make people aware that a connection with nature makes us feel good instantly
What is the Earth Telephone?
It’s a telephone through which participants can listen to music generated by plants. The bio-signals of plants is translated with a device into musical notes. The music has a different non-human logic and listening to it helps us get in frequency with the logic and energy of the plant world.
In the park we will create a sort of booth in which people get some time to express their message for the Earth, their desire. After which they can listen to the response of nature, through listening to the sound that comes out of the telephone hook. This is the music of the plants. We have many experiences how listening to the music of the plants touches people’s heart and helps them realize that there is a special intelligence and awareness in nature, which is no less than human intelligence. Becoming aware of the intelligence of nature has the power to change people’s life. And therefor people’s choices and the life of the planet.

Valchiusella Benessere
Concert with Plantmusic in collaboration with the birches at Cima Bossola.

You can join in this worldwide project to connect deeper to the forces of nature! On December 21st we will light a fire in different locations in the world, to connect and to each other and nature. In the 6 months after we will collectively raise our awareness to the nature forces, supported by schemes, songs, and labyrinths that you can create and integrate into your life! This is a project initiated by the community of Damanhur, Northern Italy.

Teleseminar 'Songs of Nature' for O.N.E. Organization of Nature Evolutionaries
In this Teleseminar for the Organisation of Nature Evolutionaries O.N.E. Zigola talks about how sound is a natural means of communication in nature and how you can use your voice as a communication channel with nature. She will talk about how co-creative partnerships are the foundation in the community where she lives, Damanhur, and how co-creation with nature plays a role in her work as a singer, teacher, and practitioner.

Free online guided contact with a tree of your choice
Zigola guides you to enter in contact with a tree that you like to connect with. The music of the plants will be accompanying you. You are invited to use your voice as a means to receive messages... just if you like. You can sit outside with your tree, or let yourself be guided in a contact on a distance from your tree.

Voix et Nature (cancelled due to travel restrictions)
In this one-day course you learn the basics of:
- using your natural voice,
- harmonizing your own body,
- positively effecting the well-being of others around you with your voice, and
- using your voice as a channel to communicate with Nature.
Concert avec des Plantes (cancelled due to travel restrictions)
Zigola and Assapan give a concert at a beautiful Moulin (Mill) in Saint-Étienne, France. The concert will be in collaboration with the local plants and trees. The music of the plants are translated with a Music of the Plants device (Bamboo). Assapan is a classical trained pianist, he studied at the conservatory of Livorno. He plays some pieces inspired by nature and improvises with the plants. Zigola plays Duclar (a wooden flute) and uses her voice as an instrument to connect to nature and to guide the audience in a sound journey with nature around them.
See the media page to have an idea of what a concert with plants is like

Corso Comunicazione con il Mondo Vegetale
Stabilisci un contatto personale con la consapevolezza delle piante
La natura è dappertutto. Vedi alberi nel parco e innaffi le tue piante d'appartamento, ma quanto sei veramente connesso al mondo delle piante? E se potessi dialogare con piante e alberi?
La comunicazione con le piante cambierà la tua vita, se sei pronto ad aprirti…partecipa! Puoi ricevere informazioni per te stesso, per altre persone, per il luogo dove vivi. Le piante possono insegnarti come vivere in armonia con te stesso e con tutto ciò che vive intorno a te.
Nel corso imparerai diverse modalità per percepire il ritmo vitale delle piante e per dialogare con esse. Questa comunicazione può essere vissuta in vari modi, tutti esplorati nel programma: attraverso l'arte e la musica, sognando con gli alberi e comunicando con loro sia da vicino che a distanza.
Contattami per informazione e segnarsi con un prezzo ridotto!

Concerto delle Piante al Castello di Agliè
Nel giardino del Castello di Agliè suoneranno gli alberi secolari. In questo concerto particolare, sarai coinvolto per entrare in contatto con gli alberi presenti, entrerai nel ‘sogno del albero’ per ascoltare la natura e te stesso. La musica degli alberi e la voce di Zigola ti accompagneranno in questo viaggio dentro alla bellezza del giardino del Castello di Agliè.

Concert with Voice Oak and Didgeridoo
As part of The Five Tribe Festival Zigola collaborates with Etienne Avronsart (musician, didgeridoo) to bring people in contact with the ancient and at the same time futuristic reality of being in a space of music of nature. A journey through the elements with voice, nature instruments such as didgeridoo and the local Oak Tree.
See www.thefivetribes.com for more information about the Saga of The Five Tribes (in French)

Concerto di Benessere con le Piante
Concerto in mezzo al Bosco di Cima Bossola per il festival Valchiusella Benessere in Natura
Segnarsi via Paola Polce 346 28 46 025

Concerto del Faggio per il Benessere
Sappiamo che stare nella natura ci fa sempre bene: dopo una immersione nella natura, ci sentiamo ricaricati e pieni di energia. Questo concerto nel giardino di Esedra Harihama ha proprio questo intento: offrire un bagno di frequenze della natura, prodotto dal Faggio Rosso nel giardino di Esedra che suonerà (grazie alla tecnologia della Musica delle Piante) insieme a Zigola.

Tweedaagse Cursus: Stem je af op de Natuur!
(Two day course on the use of the Voice to communicate with Nature, in Dutch)
Je weet dat je stem een krachtig orgaan is. Een middel om je intenties, je energie en emoties over te brengen. Je stem is een communicatie kanaal en niet alleen door de woorden die je vormt. Het zijn de klanken die alles om ons heen laten trillen. En die trillingen voeden onszelf en anderen.
In deze cursus leer je om je bewust te worden van deze trillingen en de potentie van je stem om ‘good vibes’, ofwel positieve trillingen, over te brengen. De natuur is daarbij onze bondgenoot. Ze helpt ons om ons met gemak af te stemmen op positieve trillingen en om alles wat we niet nodig hebben om te zetten in ruimte, vrijheid en welzijn.

Communication with the Plant World (University of Damanhur)
Communication with the Plant World Make personal contact with plant consciousness
Click the link for more information and to sign up directly via the University of Damanhur