Concert at the Agliè Castle Gardens
On September 12, 2020, Zigola and Assapan gave a concert with the ancient Magnolia tree at the gardens of the Castle of Agliè. Here you can see an impression of the concert. Further down you find some links about what media have written and published about the concert.
Articles in the Sentinella about the concert at the Castle of Agliè
Sentinella: ‘È stata bravissima e molto applaudita Zigola, una delle numerose persone straordinarie e talentuose che vivono a Damanhur, cantante, ricercatrice del suono e della musica delle piante, che, nel pomeriggio dello scorso sabato, nel parco del castello di Agliè, ha coinvolto un folto pubblico attratto dall’idea di assistere al singolare Concerto degli alberi da lei proposto e desideroso di entrare in contatto in modo inedito con il mondo vegetale.’…Clicca qui per leggere l’intera recensione nella Sentinella
Translation: ‘Zigola, one of the many extraordinary and talented people who live in Damanhur, performed wonderfully and was extensively applauded last Saturday afternoon at the park of the Agliè castle. This singer, researcher of sound and music of the plants, involved a large audience last Saturday afternoon, attracted by the idea of attending the unique Concert of the trees, eager to come into contact with the plant world in an unprecedented way.'…read further clicking here
Click here to visit the page for another article on the concert with video
Click here for a photo-series of the concert as published in the Sentinella
Interview on TVapex (London)
This video shows an interview with Zigola about the importance of the plant world for the Community of Damanhur, in which Zigola sings live with the Music of the Plants in the forest
Radio Interview
Radio Interview about the Music of the Plants with live singing with the Music of the Plants. Click on this link to listen (in Dutch):
link to the radio interview on the Dutch Radio, Radio Noord-Holland, June 6, 2019
At 42:46 the interview with Zigola starts.
Guided meditation
Meditation that Zigola made for Damanhur, about raising the collective awareness of humanity and using creative thought power for the healing of the planet.
Listen to Plantmusic by Zigola
On YouTube you can listen to Zigola’s album, the Sun, made with her favourite healing plant, the Peace Lily called Witje. The music you hear is music of the plants with sometimes a flute (Duclar) and voice, both by Zigola. The lyrics are channeled messages from the plants.
Plant concert
In this concert Zigola collaborates with Masterplants Orchestra, making music with plants using the Masterplants Symphony Device that can make several plants play simultaneously, creating a nature soundscape.
Tutorial for the Music of the Plants
In this video Zigola illustrates the use and principles of the device Bamboo M, for the Music of the Plants
Lila and the Magic Suitcase
Interactive musical storytelling, nominated for Cinekid Award.