Songs from the Sacred Woods
Album of six songs, inspired by Damanhurian Mythology. Product of a collaboration between Damanhurian Artists, Zigola and Masterplants
Music album with a story…
Songs from the Sacred Woods was born inspired by a magic Damanhurian myth. Six songs speak about a sacred alliance between humans and trees, about how to decipher messages around you and about the wonders we can discover, by listening to the woods.
The magical making of…
The Myth of Etulte, written by Falco Tarassaco is the inspiration for the project ‘The songs from the Sacred Woods’. The idea for the songs are born by listening to the melodies of the trees in the forest, following Damanhurian and shamanic methods to communicate with nature. Zigola lived in the Sacred Woods together with Tritone (Masterplants), other co-creator of the album at the time of creating the songs. They invited musicians in the forest to record the songs: Damanhurian musicians and also friends from outside of the community that entered in the magic of the Woods. For rhythm and sound scapes they used recordings of leaves, of chirping birds in the forest, wind organs and live elements as the water. Half of the revenues of the album will be donated to the Sacred Woods, half goes to musical co-creation with nature for people from all ages (performances and education programs).
‘Heal the people by listening to trees, awakening ancient memories’— lyrics Cosmic Egg (Songs from the Sacred Woods)
AI-lllustration by Tritone-Masterplants